Yes, I know. This isn’t the Phillip Seymour Hoffman chronicle I promised, but it will be here soon. The photos are stuck in the bureaucracy of our PR department (aka: my boss is sick of me playing with photoshop all day.) But, lucky for you our COO, Sammy Mishkin, went on an (yes I’m going to say it) Epic ride this Saturday, and even though he’s extremely busy and going to get real annoyed with me, I’m going to interview him about the ride right now.

Mac: Where did you go?
Sam: White Ranch in Golden, Colorado – part of the Jefferson County Trail System
Mac: Which bike did you ride?
2006 MKIII TeamMac: Who went?
Sam: Chris, Dan, Robbie, Sean, and myself
Mac: Out of these people, who’s your least favorite?
Sam: Sean
Mac: Are you the best Mountainbiker at Randall Scott?
Sam: Yes
Mac: What makes White Ranch so epic.
Sam: uuuhm, the diverse terrain, intense climbs, scenic views, and gnarly single tracks
Mac: If there was a helicopter following you, would you be on an extreme video.
Sam: Most Definitely
Mac: What’s your ultimate riding playlist?
Sam: The Backcountry Pizza Sunday Mix
Mac: You’re not Canadian – but you like hockey, why?
Sam: Pass (not even a smile)
Mac: Who’s better, Gordon Bombay or Gordon Howe?
Sam: Howe
Mac: Have you ever successfully executed a flying V?
Sam: Never
Mac: Then why do you bring a picture of Emilio Estevez with you to your stylist?
Sam: It’s Macgyver not Estivez
Mac: Why do you have a stylist?
Sam: My parents are rich
Alright, I can tell by the fire in Sam's eyes that this interview is over.....but stay tuned for much anticipated Chrinocles Of Phillip.
At 11/13/2006 4:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That molestache begs for the third piece of the Gordie hat trick
At 11/16/2006 11:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
did that dude next to sam get kicked by a horse
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