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    Monday, November 20, 2006

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Randall Scott Cycle Company Searches for Bigfoot

    Well, looks like Randall Scott Cycle and Iron Horse can add a new section to their resume – Bigfoot Hunter. Little did we know, when we sold Jason Walker an Iron Horse Azure Expert in July, that the bike was going to be used to hunt the legendary Bigfoot. Jason recently sent us some pictures of the setup he uses to track and hunt Bigfoot (and all you animal activists would be happy to know that he only hunts with cameras, and has no intention of hurting the friendly monster).

    So, looks like all you need to catch a Bigfoot is a supertruck with ground effects, a Soloflex, and an Iron Horse. While I haven’t personally spoken with Jason, I can deduce that the Monster Truck must be to transport the Monster in the event he should need a ride, the ground effects (Bigfeet love carnivals, lights, etc.) are to lure the monster in, the bike to track him through the wilderness, and the Soloflex is to stay in shape in case Jason and Bigfoot were ever to square off toe–to-toe (Judging from the Beef Jerkey Commercials Big Feet/Sasquatches are pretty strong).

    Randall Scott Cycle Company is proud to be a part of the search that will finally bring this elusive animal the exposure it deserves. Not convinced? As Jason points out on his website,, people were once scrutinized, marginalized, harassed, and even killed for beliefs that were later proven true i.e. The World Being Round, Earth being the center of the universe, or even the suggestion that man would someday walk on the moon.

    Soon we hope to see footage of Bigfoot chasing gazelle, killing cattle, and knocking down trees in a breathable, stylish, Randall Scott Team Short Sleeve Jersey. So Randall Scott’s Iron Horses’ are now officially used for Mountain Biking, Free Riding, Downhill, Commuting, Road Biking, and Bigfoot Hunting. If you use your Iron Horse in yet another line of work, let us know, so we can continue to document the endless possibilities of these riding machines.


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