John Denver’s not the only one full of S*#!.

I love the wonderful PR spin the Ad Wizards over at Coors Field put on the brilliant idea to sell ALL their World Series tickets via the internet.
Ticketmaster, the world’s largest dispenser of hope, has a server the size of Oprah in 1993 and they still experience technical difficulties when Warrant announces a Canadian reunion tour.
I know the Rockies have sniffed the World Series only once (and that was over a decade ago), but you’d think – especially after the Red Sox won game 7 – that they’d anticipate a few people might be interested in catching the game. Their foresight was rewarded with 8 million people visiting their website on Monday at noon.
They sold 500 of roughly 60,000 tickets before the site crashed. What happened….Hackers.
That’s what they said.
I talked to my friend who pretends to be a computer genius, and he said he was about 60% sure that was impossible.
Anyways, that’s not what tickled me pink.
After spending 3 hours navigating three computers, “like an octopus who plays the drums (FREE Randall Scott Frisbee and Sunglasses for anyone who knows that reference)”, I came away with nada. My disappointment quickly dissipated as I heard the news that the “hackers” had foiled everyone’s attempt at baseball nirvana.
But today……oh today.
I casually navigated to the Rockies site thoroughly expecting not to get tickets but subconsciously praying that our broadband, Ethernet, high speed, high priced, wireless, HD, internet connection here at Randall Scott would bring home the bacon.
Bring it home? It brought it home, threw it the pan, cooked some eggs, set the table, and……..........fed it to my trigger happy dog Ruby right in front of me.
A play by play:
I miraculously got past the fist stage of page refreshing to where they let me pick what type of seat I would like.
Then – after roughly 30 more refreshes – it said, “yeah, we got some of those…how many do you need?” I fought to keep a smile from spreading across my face and typed in the maximum amount: 4.
30 more refreshes: It asked me to login to my MLB account.....nuts, I didn’t have one yet, and every extra step ran the risk of a total site crash. Saying time was of the essence was like saying, “I wouldn’t mind being Tom Brady.”
A successful login brought me to the next step: entering my Credit Card information. Luckily I had in a word document with that info ready to cut and paste…… bing, bang, boom….submit.
Now I’m planning my celebration route through the office and literally holding my breath.
One more confirmation page………”Is this information correct?”
4 tickets behind home plate for the 07’ Red Sox World Series…Yup, I haven’t seen many things more correct in my life.
This was it:
Submit……..Sorry we cannot connect to the server right now. It might be too busy, it might be this, it might be that, try again later
Submit……..Sorry we cannot connect to the server right now. It might be too busy, it might be this, it might be that, try again later
Submit……..Sorry we cannot connect to the server right now. It might be too busy, it might be this, it might be that, try again later
Submit……..Sorry we cannot connect to the server right now. It might be too busy, it might be this, it might be that, try again later
Submit……..Sorry we cannot connect to the server right now. It might be too busy, it might be this, it might be that, try again later
Then, after an hour and a half it turned to this:
Games 3, 4, and 5, at Coors Field have been SOLD OUT.

Tonight my Powerball numbers will be: 19 86 19 86 19 86
At 10/25/2007 4:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
“like an octopus who plays the drums (FREE Randall Scott Frisbee and Sunglasses for anyone who knows that reference)”
It's the Sphinx from Mystery Men:
''You must lash out with every limb, like the octopus who plays the drums.''
It could also apply to Hana-Barbera's Squiddly Diddly.
At 10/25/2007 4:57 PM ,
Randall Scott Company said...
Fanger...amazing. Perhaps the most underated movie ever. If you supply an address I'll supply gear
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