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    Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Inter Office Movie Debate Narrowly Avoids Weapon Inolvement

    As we sat in the office debating the best sports movies of the 80’s we had a severe difference of opinion. This was, perhaps, because our office consists of a mix of high school heroes, Division III college studs, a DI athlete, and a few Pros who all played different sports.

    People’s bias’ seem to fall in line with the sports they now attempt to play, 40lbs overweight, in various local men’s leagues. The debate turned heated when the office hockey players started, for no real reason, pulling up their stats on the YMCA website to prove that Slapshot should be in the debate even though it was released in the 70’s.

    So, to save the wannabe Canadians from grabbing the closest thing made of wood and resorting to violence, we decided to go to the blog, and let you settle it.

    I have a feeling it’s going to be a runaway…we’ll see

    Office Athletes:

    High School Heroes:

    Winning a State Championship in NH at age 17 has been enough to inflate my ego for the last 10 years, this was me vs. Hanover in 98'.

    Growing up in an affluent East Coast family, Rattlesnake bought his manhood in the form of hockey and lacrosse sticks, and was "recruited by pretty much every sick lacrosse school in America," but decided to forgoe NCAA fame to work on his paintings.

    Division III Stars:

    Also known as On-Base Mishkin on the baseball diamond, Sammy staked his claim to stardom by finishing his career at F&M as one the best college tennis players ever. Known best for his running back hand and his McEnroesque antics, he once played a whole match with a Diet Dr. Pepper in his left hand.

    Randall won the Phi Sigma Kappa Squash Tournament at St. Lawrence University for three years running, which has to make him one of the best in the country (trust me I've met the guys in his frat, and they're awesome at squash).

    Division I stars:


    Our customer service manager was a former Marine and Place Kicker for University of Tennessee. Yup, you read it right: a Marine Place Kicker....and his favorite food is Jumbo Shrimp.

    Professional Athletes:

    Clint once ran a 4 minute mile at altitude, was a frequent visitor of the Olympic training center in Colorado, and has raced bikes for every major brewery in America.

    Mo was voted: Mr. Vermont (1984,1985,1987) Mr. California (1991, 1993, 1995) Mr. Colorado (1999, 2000, 2001) Randall Scott Hunk of the Year (2006)

    Mo has also raced anything with two wheels professionally for the last decade


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