Well it is November and I have received some pertinent fan mail. Today's fan mail comes from the a southern girl who is wanting to fight off the chill of the fall/winter ride. Preparation and proper clothing can make riding year round a great time. There is no reason to stop riding when the leaves fall of the trees. The key is to dress in layers and keep a diary.
Dear Diary...I talked to Max today and he is so cool...
OK, not that kind of diary. A clothes diary will prove to be a good companion for years to come. Record the temperature before you leave for a ride (or run) and write down what you are wearing. Then when you return from the ride make a note if you were too hot, too cold or just right. Then when the temps return to that level you can refer to the notes and dress right. Now that I have a clothes diary I am always ready to ride no matter the temps. I feel for those poor souls who start wrapping their feet in plastic grocery bags half way through the ride. For God's sake man, have some style!
Some of my favorite items are a thin hat for under the helmet, good gloves and wool socks. Arm warmers (a.k.a. arm Kleenex) and knee/leg warmers are a must for fall/winter riding. The holidays should not be lost on crappy non-cycling related gifts. Make a list or email the link to rscycle.com to family, friends and secret lovers...I mean..."special friends."
Until next time: Start your diary, be safe and keep riding!
Max D.
Fan mail, questions and creative Haiku poetry can be left below in the comment section.
At 11/08/2008 8:08 PM ,
Anonymous said...
How about a limerick instead?
There once was a fellow named Max.
A question of him did I ask.
He answered it well.
He is smart, I can tell.
Under his helmet he stores all the facts.
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