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    Monday, March 31, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Randall Hires Showoff for New Customer Service Position.

    We have a new Customer Service Guru here at Randall Scott. While most of us spend Monday’s talking about how many goals or baskets we scored in various Men’s Leagues, the new guy, Nick, generally talks about his new sponsors and how many back flips he landed the previous weekend.

    Our book keeper, Clint, now has replaced the poster of me in his office with one of Nick. All the girls go watch him do tricks at lunch and him and Randall play pick up sticks every day at lunch.

    This sucks…

    (I can do this too)

    (I can do this too)

    (I can do this too)

    (I can do this too)

    Thursday, March 13, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Oooh, super dope pictures for Randall's Bday

    Randall Loves the 80’s and his close friends from the design team at Joyengine gave him a totally awesome surprise. They created some super Rad pieces for his personal art collection. Check out the Vans, retro Oakley Frogskins and Casio Watch. All pieces that define the 80’s and are a part of Randall’s personal collection. You may even see them displayed in the boulder showroom.

    Thursday, March 06, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Just a Quick Clip From The Most Underrated Comedy of All Time

    I was going to write a clever synopsis of this movie, but I just wikipedia’d it, and the author nailed it. So follow this link for an astute dissertation regarding Mystery Men:

    And next time you're at the movie store looking for comedy/epic/drama - and you like a nice mix of juvenile/white collar comedy - pick it up.

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