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    Tuesday, December 30, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Elephant Loves Randall

    Elephant Journal, a magazine (now ditching the paper for interwebz) about mindful living recently showed its appreciation for Randall Scott. We are totally excited to be held in such esteem for doing what we love. Biking. Oh and helping preserve this radical planet, that's pretty high up on our list as well. Elephant took a liking to our badboy commuter bike the Tommaso Molto. Check out the article here, then go ride your bike, then do yoga, Elephant and Randall would be proud.

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Netsuite Loves Randall

    Netsuite, the leading integrated web-based business software suite, loves the Randall Scott Company. Netsuite decided to give focus to some of its biggest stars and we were honored to make the cut. Only six companies were featured of their thousands of clients, talk about exclusive! Randall was one of two owners granted the opportunity to be part of a podcast they did to accompany the feature. The Big Dog knocked it out of the park. Read about it here or listen to the podcast here. Awww, Netsuite we love you too.

    PS - Our homie Tom at Spidertrax Off-Road made the list and podcast too. Congrats and keep up the good work!

    Monday, December 29, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Merry Maxmas

    Well…Team Randall Scott Cycle's very own Max got a gig playing Santa on Christmas Eve and managed to scare a 2-year old into hiding for hours, make Billy Bob Thornton seem tame in Bad Santa and make a case of Amstel Light disappear (“Santa Magic” he called it). He also managed to pass out a few gifts before passing out. The kids thought it was great and the adults are considering therapy.
    The off-season can be a time of release for athletes. After a year of counting calories, carbs, fat and protein grams, the holidays are a time to test the elasticity of the waistband and abuse the kidneys. After a couple weeks of surfing the holiday buffet a Speedo can quickly become a “Speedon’t” in the eyes of the world. Well January is right around the corner and the bell will again ring for the start of training. Long after the New Year’s Resolution fitness army loses its steam, those left will be getting ready to toe the line and see what they’ve got in the tank.
    Racing is a great way to test equipment and 2009 will see Max and a few of his merry bandits take to the races on their Tommaso bikes. So tune back in often for training, tips and racing reports. Next week Max shows up for training camp and the initial weigh in…he better hope those Amstel’s were lights!

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Joe Mama

    I rode on Saturday in the rain for an hour and a half and decided I had had enough road oil thrown in my face for the day. The last three weeks had been pretty high on the mileage chart so a shortened ride seemed acceptable. Besides, I was scheduled to ride with a member of the Tokyo Joe’s team on Sunday.

    Sunday’s weather proved to be no better than Saturday. Tim (Tokyo Joe rider) and I decided to go out later in the afternoon since it was supposed to warm up and stop raining. At 2:30 I pulled down the driveway in rain and temps hovering around 43 degrees… so much for warmer and dryer. Tim informed me that he might be riding a little slow since he hadn’t been putting in too much saddle time with the season winding down. ALERT: A pro rider telling you they might go slow is like a member of Motley Crue saying they might just have one beer.

    These words rang true as we started the 1800 foot climb up Lee Hill Road. I was seeing incline readings of 14% between the rain drop (not tears, I swear) on my glasses. Tim seemed to float up the road like he had a sail and I was sinking with the anchor. He was nice enough to circle around and tell me I was going well.
    We finally found the top and were headed down back to Boulder. First we had to negotiate the decent on the rainbow colored oil slicked roads. Normally my descending is good when the roads are dry. Today I was grabbing brakes like a Cat 5 road racer with an inner ear infection. I thought I would get it out before Tim told everyone. Best to take my medicine straight up.

    The rain seemed to be coming down harder and the temperature was dropping. Once we came off the decent we started picking up the pace to get home. Last time I looked at the Garmin Edge 305 we were cruising down the road side by side at 33mph! I couldn’t feel my legs so I just kept telling my brain to keep the legs rotating. The cold weather was like Novocain. I pushed with all I had to make up for my poor performance on the climb.

    The weeks of hard riding had taken their toll. I was cooked. Going against my better judgment I downed four beers, a bowl of pasta, tortilla chips, a sandwich, handfuls of pretzels, a cup of coffee, a bowl of Kashi Crunch and a couple Fig Newtons. Yeah, I was a little hungry. I did pass on the ice cream. I spent the remainder of the evening crashed on the couch catching up with Entourage Season 5, On Demand.

    Thanks for reading!
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