Flirting With Disaster

I remember a hot West Virginia day in 1994 preparing for a time trial in the 21 event West Virginia Race Series. The whole series was amazing and there were some tough teams to deal with on a weekly basis. I love to time trial so I was excited to do well. There was cash to be had and I needed some points to work my way from second to first overall in the series. I knew the course and half way through the 18-mile trip I knew I was flying. The sun was out and the weather was perfect. I was coming up on a tricky right hand turn that dropped down into a quick decent. I knew the course volunteers at this corner as they were the wives of my boss and a co-worker. As I slowed to make the tricky corner I looked at the two women volunteers and said “Hello Ladies!” and cleared the corner.
I blasted the rest of the course and hit the line as hard as I could. I rolled a half mile with my head low and my lungs heaving. I drained that sucker and knew it! I turned the pedals easy as I made my way back to the start/finish area and looked at the timer with a devilish smile. She looked at me and gave a quick “no” motion with her head. Results were not posted yet but she let me know I had come up short. I was stunned! Ten minutes later I learned I lost by one second. One second!
I thought I had given my all that day. I risked it in the corners, hammered the straights and demolished the climbs…how did I miss? Then it hit me, I said “hello” to the ladies going around the tricky corner. Even though I didn’t stop for pleasantries, I did take my mind off the goal. I let myself slip and paid the price. Even though I lost to a very strong rider and good friend it hurt no less, I should have won. I had not given it my all. I had given it 99% and came up short. I learned an important lesson that day: Race to the finish line and save the gossip for the awards ceremony.
The following year I kept my mouth shut and won the time trial. Second place that day was 2 minutes down. Lesson learned!