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    Friday, March 20, 2009

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Welcome Spring

    As sad as it is to acknowledge the impending end of the ski season, who can complain about the early arrival of spring weather. Nothing beats being outdoors on a late May day, except maybe having that day come in March. Fifty degree weather means one thing...break out the camping supplies! My plans for the weekend as we enter spring break? Forget Mexico and sloppy college freshman, I'm throwing the Sierra Designs ASP 2 Tent on my back, packing up some S'More fixings and heading up Left Hand! Spring temperatures are good for two things; growing Tulips on Pearl Street and camping. It gets cool enough at night that the camp fire is warm and comforting, and stays cool enough in the morning that your tent doesn't become comparable to a country club sauna room filled with half-naked hairy men.

    With the ASP 2 only weighing in at 5 pounds, I can hike in (the proper way to camp) rather than pitching a tent in the shadow of some gas-guzzling beast, right next to three other camping groups. I can find a great clearing, surrounded by wildlife rather than wild students. I'll take sleeping under the stars over being cooped up inside any day. As often as we seem to forget it, we humans were made to be outside. Sixty hour work weeks have become 'natural' while nature has become foreign. So consider me an advocate for the return to the truly natural. And if a sixty hour work week cannot be avoided, I at least, choose to spend my weekends enjoying the beauty of the outdoors rather than planting myself mindlessly in front of the latest reality TV show. Plus, while I carry the two-person lightweight ASP 2 tent (weighing less than most brief cases or book bags), my camping buddy can easily handle a couple Sierra Designs Echo 20 sleeping bags and some granola for the morning. That's right, we are "Granola's" and we love it. So on behalf of all the Granolas out there I say "Welcome Spring"!
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