Faster Than You Think

If you think you are fast in this town give it five minutes. This is Boulder and there is speed to be found trickling out of garden hoses in the middle of the night. This is a fast town. This town deserves the indoor track just for the insanity of it all. Ridiculously banked corners made of plywood that roar underneath like a heard of mustangs on a 10-second path of bending tires and twitching grey matter.
You can’t buy a banana in this town without walking though the air-stream of another Boulder hammer. You better not have hot dogs and Twinkies in that cart sucker. This town is tough. You can’t even get a bag for your milk. Recycle or die! You can take that plastic bag hording, trans-fat soaking, beer and a cigarette habit back to Long Island! NASCAR and Golf? Not in this town, not if you want a prayer of seeing the front of a pack. Hell, this guy sits at the desk next to me! This town is full of talent, speed and power.
Bikes are different in this town. They don’t sissy around ribbons of paved ebony glass. In this town you might want to start getting used to Vittoria Open Corsa EVO 700x25’s for the roads that turn into dirt at the top. As if the descents weren’t enough to send folks from the Mid-West packing, try them after winter when a good measure of sand and gravel has been dumped in the corners…for traction of all things!
I’m blessed to be here and I will be cursed, and will curse, if I ever have to leave. As for those of you that haven’t made it here yet: Don’t come here! We’ve got enough pros, tri-gods, wannabes, never was, and never wills here. There is sure to be plenty of room in Fort Collins or Denver. Your five minutes are up…do you still think you are fast?