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    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle


    We all know crashing sucks. Anything from road rash to the full-body cast, nobody enjoys it. I am personally petrified at the thought of crashing on my road bike. Jon “The Body” has almost given up biking totally, at least until his built-in pads get a little bigger.

    Others, like Nick, seem to embrace crashing and can achieve a degree of grace and elegance while dismounting their bikes.

    Some may still believe that girls dig scars, (ladies, please leave us a comment and let us know if this is true) but for the rest of us who are wearing are 661 or Fox pads on our XC bikes, I’ll see you out on the trail.

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Golden Age

    Our Shipping guy, Steve, recently pointed out to me that it is the golden age of cycling-- like I didn’t know. Come on, I write the blog! If you look closer you will see that the golden day was in 2002 when this bike was made.

    Awesome I know. Which is way better then the last age of cycling the turquoise age of cycling

    But then he said I was totally off and that the Golden age was a time of new Technology in all realms of the sport and a time when many people are choosing to ride their bikes to work--due to the increasing oil prices--the increase in available trails, shops, etc.

    That is when I walked away feeling like an idiot.

    Tuesday, July 08, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Custom Bags

    Ok, so I tried to find some videos that would show you how to make your own Messenger bags, but they all suck and would force you to spend way too much time inside on a Sat. But then Fab (fabulous) Jeff showed me this site with the coolest bags in the world: all totally custom and totally out of my price range.

    Then lastly, I made my way to our very own messenger bag section and I was like “hell yes!” They are just what I have been looking for, a cheap messenger bag that doesn’t scream “Neub” or “Supper trendy.” Now I just wish my bike wasn’t pink and falling apart. Maybe I’ll try trick Jon- the-body out of his bike, Say something like it is soft. Who knows; we’ll see.

    Wednesday, July 02, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    The New Age of Down Hill

    From the Very beginning of time, man has wanted to go down hill--fast. So he took out his cruiser and found some gravel roads…and raced down.

    We have taken going fast downhill to the next level and made it a competitive sport. We laugh at those guys and their “pre-historic bikes” and the fire roads they called a DH trail. (Personally, my XC bike has more suspension.)

    Well, some where along the way DH guys became a little bit cooler and started to wear lame colors, instead of the famous neon kits that are still “amazing” to this day. Their bikes also became a little bit more specialized, like the Iron Horse Sunday Series with up to 8 inches of suspension in the front and back, then those darn cruisers they used in the 90’s

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