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    Wednesday, September 10, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Lance is Back

    The news is out… Lance, much like Brett Farve, is strongly considering coming back from retirement. He may feel that he still has something to prove now that road cycling has “cleaned up” its act lately, or perhaps he just missed cycling so much that he had to come back at all costs. Maybe he will retire again next year and in 2012 will be back once again.

    For some reason I thought that people liked retirement. I know that personally, I would love to be retired at the age of 35 because you get to do whatever you want all day. “Want to play some broche ball?” “Sure I’m in, got nothing else going on.” I have only been working for a couple of years and would love to retire at the ripe old age of 21 but I guess some people love to work more than others.

    Tuesday, September 09, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Sunday Frames

    Okay, so you thought you had the Top-of-the-Line Iron Horse Sunday. Well surprise, surprise, we just received the best… the Sunday Factory. This special bike was hand-built in the USA and comes with no parts.

    Think of it as a blank canvas, awaiting your personal touch. Build a replica of Sam Hill’s Championship-winning ride, or something that reflects your unique style and skill.

    Whatever you do, have fun out there, and try to keep the rubber side down.

    Monday, September 08, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Best of the 80's

    So both of my roommates are rather enthusiastic skiers who feel the need to show me every cool video they find. Fortunately for you, I am able to filter out all of the nonsense and give you only the best…

    … This video is pretty impressive, but it’s the song that really grabs me. I continued to listen to it late into the night. How can you stop listening with great lines like “inside your insides,” or better yet, “grease fatty foods?”

    I have been trying to get the bosses to let me play it all the time in the showroom.

    No luck yet, but I’ll keep you all updated.

    Wednesday, September 03, 2008

    Randall Scott Lifestyle

    Times of Change

    Here in Colorado the weather is changing for the worst. The last 2 mornings I had to wear a sweater just to go outside. On my bike rides I had to wear even more spandex than usual…

    (Pic of Jon going to work)

    Now that cyclocross season is upon us, it is time for me to get another bike and try to stay outside until the snow engulfs the mountainous landscape into an overwhelming white blanket, and I am once again forced to get out the rollers and watch episodes of Scrubs.

    O I love Scrubs!
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